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AChemostat biomass concentration maintained NATURALLY, while new bacteria is multiplying in the reactor the older bacteria discharged along with the treated effluent. The control system enables accurate supply of Oxygen and Nutrients in proper proportions to the inlet organic loads to keep the bacteria growth in the right proportion.

ANo! Never add biomass to ACT, the MLSS is “naturally maintained“.

ANo! The patented sequential mode acts in a way that ACT removes the HIGH COD LOADS (absorbing the high fluctuations) and the high MLSS reactor is more effective with Low COD loads – the combined bio system uses similar retention time. In the cases where solution is offered as UPGRADE to an existing site we often convert the EQUALIZATION Tank to an ACT, so that in any case BPC does not use higher volumes.

AThe effect is very positive! A stream of fresh & Young culture is constantly flowing into the High MLSS Reactor and causing the Biomass age to be Younger. It means we can build the high MLSS Faster and better.

ATo provide safe operations, Every BPC installation or Upgrade includes a mechanism of “Automatic Starter”. This is a small side reactor where we keep the biomass that is most effective at the particular site. Starter reactor is automatically refreshed and in case, that there is a need to restart the big reactor it can be done with the auto-starter culture at the push of a button.

AACT can be designed and optimized to perform efficient NITRIFICATION process. The nitrifying bacteria produced in ACT will then accumulate in the second high MLSS reactor and result with high Nitrification efficiency regarding de-Nitrification, BPC implements similar & common methods.

AYes! High level of dissolved oil is effectively treated in ACT. This allow to reduce the amount of chemicals at the pre-treatment thus minimizing the sludge & saving OPEX.

ANo! In fact, it will control pretreatment (automatic oil release, chemical dosing, pH adjustment and flow regulations) as well as post treatment (Automatic filter backwash, post chemical dosing, pH adjustments quality monitoring of the output).

AYes, BPC installed sequential mode with two ACT reactors, this setup requires a clarifier with coagulation to precipitate the bacteria in a short time (else, ACT “Single Bacteria” takes very long time to precipitate).

AUpon request, BPC runs an onsite pilot that removes the slightest doubt. Pilot is available in two formats.

  1. Lab scale pilot – low cost, complete setup is demonstrated in continuous treatment process over decent time period to remove the slightest doubt – very low cost pilot.
  2. Large scale (as dictated by the customer) same concept with high flow – it is much more expensive

AWhen designing an UPGRADE, we have to take into consideration the.

  1. Project Objectives & Desired outcome (Quality, capacity, stability, new streams, OPEX )
  2. The available infrastructure / available space
  3. The budget

All of that dictates a tailored solution to each site optimized solution . . .

AUpgrade may last 3 – 6 months. Depending on site demands and restrictions. Upgrade implementation is designed in such a way that will not interrupt the process, and yet each case is individual, in some there will be no interrupt at all, others may have minor interrupt and in some cases we schedule implementation during factory shutdown only.