Tailored data Management & Analysis tool for wwtp
Dedicated BI/AI for Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Pure BI is a Business Intelligence software specifically designed to meet the wastewater treatment (WWT) industry needs.
- With unique AI & ML technology that makes it easy to customize it to each individual plant – within days.
- PureBI system is available as a “SaaS” (Software as a Service) at no capital investment.
Turning WWT plant raw data into Valuable Management Information
Make your data
Realevant & Accessible

Panoramic view of your site
Based on your site layout and configuration you can see in one view all the quality and financial parameters you wish to follow.
Prediction & Alerts
With a smart built-in algorithm be ahead of faulty processes, alert your operators and guide them to take action.
Optimize your Operation
Benefit from advanced AI engine that will provide you with market benchmarks that will help you streamline operations.
Significant deduction in OPEX resulted through advanced automation.
Less Sludge generation when compared to conventional technologies.
Better resiliency & stable output performance against inlet shocks.
Data Integration with PURE BI
BPC has a revolutionary biological treatment technology for waste water treatment, Automated Chemostat Treatment (ACT). ACT is a completely automated technology that treats effluent with very high stability, less chemical usage in the treatment process and produces less than half the biological sludge produced by other available technologies, resulting in reduction of cost of treatment over the lifetime of the plant.
ACT is a robust biological treatment technology that is uniquely suited for treating effluent with high levels of problematic contaminants like high COD, high Phenols, high Ammonia, high TDS and high Cyanides levels

Wastewater BI system that fits all needs . . .
PURE BI offers a professional solution for various levels and types of wastewater treatment facilities that range between dedicated WWTP and wastewater systems on different industrials sites.

What Our Client’s Say
Design is a way of life, a point of view. It involves the whole complex of visual commun ications: talent, creative ability, manual skill, and technical knowledge.
Design is a way of life, a point of view. It involves the whole complex of visual commun ications: talent, creative ability, manual skill, and technical knowledge.
Design is a way of life, a point of view. It involves the whole complex of visual commun ications: talent, creative ability, manual skill, and technical knowledge.
Design is a way of life, a point of view. It involves the whole complex of visual commun ications: talent, creative ability, manual skill, and technical knowledge.
Design is a way of life, a point of view. It involves the whole complex of visual commun ications: talent, creative ability, manual skill, and technical knowledge.
Design is a way of life, a point of view. It involves the whole complex of visual commun ications: talent, creative ability, manual skill, and technical knowledge.
contact us
To know more about PURE BI
Got any questions regarding our technology ?
Let us know, we will be glad to assist!!!

Request a
Demo . . .
Our unique BI software for the wastewater industry will help your site to get critical insights for site operations and cut OPEX with fast deployment and affordable BI system.