Wastewater Challenges
Being a Wastewater turnkey solution company for last 15 years and a global conglomerate in providing innovative solutions throughout, BPC evolved itself to such an extent that no area in waste water industry is unexposed. The way industries have developed their work culture to continuously evolve throughout the learning cycle, with all these qualities we are now able to demonstrate our expertise through a Simple-Fast-Smart BI tool as software services that will cater to all the industries dealing with following issues,
Tackling Challenges
Services to mitigate
With the state of the art Pure BI software, BPC pledged to solve all these issues pertaining to the effluent treatment of all the industries. Name it Food & Beverage, Chemical, Petrochemical, Pulp & Paper and many more. Following the basics of PREDICT to PREVENT philosophy and Perseverance toward solving problems in work ethics give this a professional edge toward any other applications.
We have a team of young professionals enriched with enough domain skills, expertise and knowledge in our Resource center based on Headquarter. This resource center operates to handle all the queries clients have while using the software and troubleshoot with firm resolve in due time. BPC have a team of Data Analysts, Application specialists and tech supports personnel to handle the queries and deliver to clients satisfaction.
Introduction of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning make this Software a good handy tool that gives alerts and solutions for random issues as suggestions.

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Shock load detection and over timed decisions for treatment
Unstable output quality not meeting the discharge norms
Overhead Operational expenditures
care features

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Waste water industry has already become a wide industry as from time to time the world is reaching to the point where we do not have enough water available and the only solution is to recycle the water after treating. The major challenges the waste water industry is facing are,
BPC offers ACT Sequential mode technology in which ACT will be followed by another high MLSS technology (ASP, SBR, MBR etc) by which load fluctuations can be managed easily by keeping a constant load to the secondary Bio reactor as ACT can bear high and low load fluctuations.
ACT is a low MLSS technology and combination of sequential mode reduces the sludge generation by 50% when compared to the conventional technology which also reduces the sludge generation to be handled.
BPC also provides control system for online measurements like TOC, Turbidity, Ph, DO, TSS, Oil sensors by which the dosing is adjusted in auto mode as per the required rates which keeps reduces an overall OPEX cost.
Complex operation due to lack of automation
Low robustness to upsets
Longer response time of conventional bioreactors
BPC Solutions
Automation minimizes the human intervention & makes the operation less complex to operate. Conventional WWTP uses manual chemical dosing for the pH corrections in different points of plant, nutrient dosing in bioreactors, flocculants & coagulant dosing in flocculation & coagulation process and many others chemicals in different points of plant. Manual dosing of chemicals can upset process if any parameter of effluent changes.
BPC provides complete automation of chemical dosing through control system which detects online readings of parameters continuously and control the dosing as per requirement.
BPC have the most advanced bio-remediation technology for wastewater treatment , that is ACT .ACT maintains a low bacterial concentration which is distributed throughout the bio reactor, ensuring that no aggregates are formed, and that each individual bacteria acts as a single unit. Bacteria population has a very high amount of its population in the logarithmic growth stage(young population), ensuring higher bacteria activity.
ACT bio reactor is controlled by a fully automated monitoring and control system that monitors every parameter that affects the performance of bio reactor, thus able to give absolute optimal performance.
BPC provide bacteria backup system for bioreactors which is called “Auto-Starter”. Bacterial culture in Auto Starter is periodically changed that keeps the bacterial culture healthy and active. If any upsets happens in Bioreactor and bacteria are washed out or inactive than this bacterial culture used to revive the bioreactor.
Use of different type of online sensors to monitor the system parameters in real time. Any upsets are immediately detected by monitoring system and associated actions are taken by control system.
This makes the WWTP more robustness to upsets.
To increase the performance of exiting WWTP, BPC provides laboratory experiment based solutions. Effluent sample from plant is treated in different configuration of processes. Process giving best treatability is proposed for retrofit.

Manual dosing of chemicals leads to less or excess doing of chemicals
Influent shock load leads to deterioration of process
Manual control of pH correction in multiple process points
Unmonitored inlet organic load to Bioreactors leads to high chances of Bioreactor efficiency reduction when sudden changes happens in organic load
BPC Solutions
WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plants) have a growing need for accurate and reliable monitoring of effluent parameters, before & after treatment.
BPC provides a reliable and cost effective analytical & control systems for all WWTP.
Monitoring effluent streams in Primary, Secondary & Tertiary treatment section simultaneously.
Automated Sampling System designed to meet specific effluent streams.
On line analyzers that measure a variety of parameters (Flow, pH, Temperature, TOC, DO, OUR, TN, TP, Turbidity, Alkalinity, TDS, Sulfides and more)
BPC system Closes the loop via PLC automating the process including,
- pH adjustment
- Chemical dosing at multiple process points
- DO (Dissolved Oxygen) control for bioreactors
- Online OUR (Oxygen Uptake Rate) in bioreactors & chemical oxidation
- Flow control to maintain suitable Organic load in Bioreactors
Process performance is clearly displayed in multiple locations.
All data and statuses are synchronized with the plant main control unit,
1. Basic Module: Consists of three main elements:- Three channel sampling system, each sampling is customized to meet
- An array of Analyzers (TOC, COD, DO, TN, TP, Temp, pH, Alkalinity, & more)
- Local & Remote Display monitors
- 2. Advanced control Module : The closed loop control & automated dosing: Analyzed parameters are fed to a PLC utilizing BPC proprietary algorithms to produce the control lines for:
- Chemical dosing automation required for: pH adjustment, Nutrients accurate injection bioreactors & Chemicals in the pre-treatment or post treatment (DAF or clarifier)
- Balance the DO (Dissolved Oxygen) level in bioreactors (Blower control)
- Adjust the Flow control
- Optimize chemical consumption (dosing adjusted according with flow & contamination characteristics)
- Provide process performance management reports– consumption etc.
Running A WWTP is a challenging task. There are frequent changes in quality of influent. If the system is not designed right or if the system is not operated with the right sensitivity, managing every fluctuation leads to very high amount of chemicals being used. The high cost of chemicals brings along the problem of handling the sludge produced. This is a major hazard in terms of disposal and involves high costs.
We at BPC take pride in the fact that our solutions are focused on treating maximum impurities by Bio-logical methods. Our patented ACT technology produces minimum bio-sludge. By treating a number of problematic impurities in ACT reactors we avoid the use of chemicals and reduce the Opex considerably. The resultant chemical sludge production is also minimised.
The BPC monitoring and control system puts a flashlight on all the operation of the WWTP. By optimising all dosing (nutrients, chemicals), all equipment operation, we can make sure that the WWTP runs in the most optimised configuration and with the minimum Opex.
Our Business Intelligence system offers deep insight into each and every unit of the WWTP by presenting a panoramic view of the plant. Multiple reports being generated empower the operational team to not only resolve current upsets but predict if the system in moving towards an upset thereby saving precious time and effort .

The outlook of industries in the current scenario is shifting from just water treatment to water reuse.This is a big step towards water conservation and is being implemented throughout the world.But the design of a Zero Liquid Discharge system is quite tricky and very expensive.The downstream units like RO, Evaporator, Sludge handling equipments, Spray Dryer keeps the CAPEX costs higher and higher as we go on. Not to mention the constant maintenance of expensive membranes.
It makes a lot of sense to look at the WWTP and ZLD as one combined unit. If the WWTP is designed right, the load on the downstream RO and Evaporator will be less. This gives a flexibility of designing a smaller ZLD.
An ACT system, guarantees a constant quality feed to the RO thereby reducing rejects and enabling a smaller size ZLD system.
In Addition to the above, BPC ACT reduces the sludge production and hence saving on the sludge handling infrastructure cost.
Right Design is what we believe to be the most important factor in providing the most benefit and the least CAPEX.
ETP operations face a lot of challenges due to lack of awareness of data-management and its benefit in reducing errors. A lot of Site managers, operators still have little knowledge where Artificial Intelligence, Machine Language can be used to raise alarms in the ETP operations before the cause a major problem or shutdown
Predicting the cause and effect of minor changes in system modules with help of BI Tool. After alerts and instruction, plant management decides for Corrective actions to follow. That way one can manage to have a stable output irrespective of instable input within due time limit.
Over Operational expenditure is also a major issue to the management once it starts to increase and it’s the one thing the company needs to control because the OPEX keeps on varying. Keeping the expense under budgetary benchmark while maintaining the quality norm should be the practice. BPC Resource center do the Cost benefit Analysis to pin point the right area to check upon. BPC Team with help of Pure BI tool creates the valuable reports with decent visualization that helps management to take a Profound Business decision.
Sludge disposal is an area which comes at the end of Process cycle however has an imminent potential to sabotage the operations. Our Data Analysts

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